LOGAN, Utah — The Shingo Institute, a program in the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University, has awarded Nicole Forsgren, PhD, Jez Humble, Gene Kim, Steve Bell, and Karen Whitley Bellwith the Shingo Publication Award for their research-based book and case study, Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps: Building and Scaling High Performance Technology.
“Receipt of the Shingo Publication Award signifies an author’s significant contribution and practical application to the body of knowledge regarding enterprise excellence,” said Ken Snyder, executive director of the Shingo Institute.
By “challenging” or applying for a Shingo Publication award, authors invite a group of accomplished professionals and trained examiners from the Shingo Institute to thoroughly review their publication(s). Shingo examiners select recipients based on a rigorous set of standards.
The publication of Accelerate follows a four-year research program investigating the driving forces behind high performance in software development with the purpose of helping organizations of all sizes improve their software delivery and overall enterprise performance. The research dives into DevOps, the application of Lean principles and practices to Lean software development and delivery, Lean IT operations, and Lean Management Systems, analyzing data from over 23,000 technology professionals around the world. The book concludes with a case study on High Performance Leadership and Management, illustrating these principles and practices through the experience of ING Bank, Netherlands.
Accelerate demonstrates how, contrary to popular belief, software can be developed and delivered with both speed and stability through collaborative efforts between the creative (Dev) and restrictive (Ops) departments in an organization. The research also conveys that technology is of great value and importance, with data showing how software delivery performance drives commercial organizational performance in areas of profitability, productivity, market share, and other non-commercial goals including effectiveness, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
In describing the positive impact of the text, Karen Martin, author of Clarity First and The Outstanding Organization, stated, “Whether they recognize it or not, most organizations today are in the business of software development in one way, shape, or form. And most are being dragged down by slow lead times, buggy output, and complicated features that add expense and frustrate users. It doesn’t need to be this way. Accelerate shines a compelling light on the what, why, and how of DevOps so you, too, can experience what outstanding looks and feels like.”
Accelerate offers clear guidance, centered in an integrated Lean Management System, to all organizations wanting to assess and improve overall operational performance through changes in both technical and cultural practices. Tom and Mary Poppendieck, authors of the Lean Software Development series, said, “The organizations that thrive in the future will be those that leverage digital technologies to improve their offerings and operations. Accelerate summarizes the best metrics, practices, and principles to use for improving software delivery and digital product performance, based on years of well-documented research. We strongly recommend this book to anyone involved in a digital transformation for solid guidance about what works, what doesn’t work, and what doesn’t matter.”
Copies of the publication may be ordered online at https://www.amazon.com/Accelerate-Software-Performing-Technology-Organizations/dp/1942788339.
Dr. Forsgren, Mr. Humble, Mr. Kim, Mr. Bell (his second Shingo Publication Award), and Ms. Whitley Bell will receive their award at the awards ceremony during the 32nd Annual Shingo Conference in Orlando, Florida, USA on April 14–April 17, 2020. The conference is a week-long event featuring a selection of workshops, plant tours, keynote speakers, and breakout sessions designed to provide ongoing knowledge, insights, and experience for organizations in pursuit of operational excellence.
About the Shingo Institute
The Shingo Institute is home of the Shingo Prize, an award that recognizes organizations that demonstrate an exceptional culture that fosters continuous improvement. A program in the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University, the Shingo Institute is named after Japanese industrial engineer and Toyota adviser, Shigeo Shingo. Dr. Shingo distinguished himself as one of the world’s thought leaders in concepts, management systems, and improvement techniques that have become known as the Toyota Production System.
Drawing from Dr. Shingo’s teachings and years of experience working with organizations worldwide, the Shingo Institute developed the Shingo Model™ which is the basis for its several educational offerings, including workshops, study tours, and conferences. Workshops are available in multiple languages through the Institute’s Licensed Affiliates. For more information on workshops, affiliates, or to register to attend the next Shingo Conference, please visit www.shingo.org/v1.1.