by Bill Boyd, Value Capture Recently I was out enjoying a hobby of mine in my home state of Wisconsin. I was ice fishing. A rather miserable activity where we drill holes in frozen lakes seeking fish. The bright spot in that day
by Bill Boyd, Value Capture Recently I was out enjoying a hobby of mine in my home state of Wisconsin. I was ice fishing. A rather miserable activity where we drill holes in frozen lakes seeking fish. The bright spot in that day
by Bruce Hamilton, GBMP Seek Perfection is the Flywheel. Defined by the Shingo Institute as “an aspiration not likely to be achieved but the pursuit of which creates a mindset and culture of continuous improvement,” Seek Perfection is the flywheel to endless daily improvement to goods and service to the customer. But the concept of […]
by Peter De Clerck and Dorothée Laire, Consultants, Möbius Business Redesign
by John Quirke, Partner and Global Life Science Sector Lead, S A Partners
by Chris Butterworth, Shingo Faculty Fellow, Two-time Shingo Publication Award recipient, and Award-winning Speaker The focus of the Shingo Guiding Principle, Create Value for the Customer, is on creating value for all stakeholders. Ultimately, value must be defined through the lens of what the customer really values. As the Shingo Model handbook points out…
by Dr. Hakeem Hammad, CEO, Xi Horizons Consulting, Ireland Create Constancy of Purpose is one of the Shingo Guiding Principles and is a key enabler for establishing enterprise-wide alignment. It is also the first of W. Edwards Deming’s 14 Points for Management (see Out of the Crisis, pg. 23).
by HKPO Lean Six Sigma Experts, a Shingo Licensed Affiliate Flow and pull are at the heart of the Toyota Production System, incorporating the entire supply chain from the vendor’s vendor to the customer’s customer. The focus is on creating value for all, including customers, marketing, production and operations, logistics, vendors, etc. Toyota measures the […]
In January 2018, CTS merged with the national testing labs of the American Red Cross, doubling its number of labs to six and bringing the number of employees to nearly 800. This created the challenge of bringing together two disparate cultures at very different levels of CI maturity. This case study explores how the CI […]